Charles Christenson

Charles Christenson, our beloved father, passed away peacefully January 17th, 2007. We created this blog in memory of our father and to share our memory of him with others. Please feel free to post comments, kind thoughts, and best wishes.

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Saturday, September 26, 2009

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Erectile Dysfunction
Our price: $1.15
Viagra is an oral medicine used for treating male impotence (e.g., erectile dysfunction). Viagra's advantages are a great safety track record and proven side effects. The effect of Viagra starts in 30 minutes to 1 hour and lasts for about 4 hours.
Our price: $1.99
Cialis (Tadalafil) is an oral drug, used for treating male impotence, also known as erectile men's erectile dysfunction. Cialis' effect starts working in 30 minutes and lasts for about 48 hours, while Viagra effect lasts for about 4 hours. Cialis is...
Our price: $2.35
Levitra (Vardenafil) is an oral therapy for the treatment of erectile dysfunction. Having the long-lasting effect of 4 hours, and the start time of 16 min, Levitra represents an uncontested advantage in comparison with Viagra.
Viagra Professional
Viagra Professional
Our price: $1.57
Viagra Professional is a new generation extra-strength prescription medicine that is taken orally for the treatment of erectile dysfunction only in men, powerfully activating the natural blood flow, followed by hardness and expansion of your sexually...
Cialis Professional
Cialis Professional
Our price: $4.17
Cialis Professional is a newly formulated and chemically improved prescription medicine that is taken orally for the treatment of erectile dysfunction only in men, extremely enhancing male sexual activity, that is resulted in boosted penile potency, ...
Levitra Professional
Levitra Professional
Our price: $4.97
Levitra Professional is a reformulated advanced prescription formulation with the highest degree of effectiveness in the sphere of male erectile dysfunction treatment that will result in intense, electrifying orgasms, better time control over ejacula...
Viagra Super Active+
Viagra Super Active+
Our price: $2.82
Viagra Super Active+ is our new formulation of world-known medication enhanced with most active and reliable herbs that give you a new feeling of unlimited potency, over-whelming desire and incomparable endurance.
Cialis Super Active+
Cialis Super Active+
Our price: $3.65
Cialis Super Active+ (Tadalafil) has answered our highly raised expectations in its ability to treat and cure the overall whelming disease of erectile dysfunction by super-active formulation that gives the pill the shortest activation time, most prol...
Viagra Soft Tabs
Viagra Soft Tabs
Our price: $1.64
Viagra Soft Tabs are quick-dissolving lozenges for treating male impotence. Comparing to ordinary Viagra, Viagra Soft Tabs has reduced the start time from 30 to 15-19 minutes with the effective duration of 5 to 6 hours per dose.
Cialis Soft Tabs
Cialis Soft Tabs
Our price: $1.44
Cialis Soft Tabs (Tadalafil) are quick-dissolving tabs, used to treat male impotence. Having the shortest start time of 15 minutes, Cialis Soft Tabs have the most long-lasting effect among all world-known ED products (up to 36 hours). The neutral rea...
Viagra Plus
Viagra Plus
Our price: $1.49
Viagra Plus (Sildenafil + Vitamins and Ginseng) is our new formulation of world-known medication enhanced with the most active and reliable herbs that give you a new feeling of unlimited potency, over-whelming desire and incomparable endurance.
Levitra Plus
Levitra Plus
Our price: $1.93
Levitra Plus (Vardenafil + Vitamins and Ginseng) is a reformulated medication that represents the best combination of chemical and herbal compounds, interacting perfectly, and provides a fast and reliable cure for erectile dysfunction, adding the fee...
Viagra Jelly
Viagra Jelly
Our price: $4.50
Viagra Jelly (Sildenafil Citrate) is a jelly solution for the treatment of male erectile dysfunction.
Cialis Jelly
Cialis Jelly
Our price: $8.13
Cialis Jelly (Tadalafil Jelly) is mainly used to get and sustain an erection in cases of erectile dysfunction.
Our price: $0.63
VigRX is a natural herbal formula for erection and virility enhancement that promotes erectile length.
Levitra Super Active+
Levitra Super Active+
Our price: $2.78
Levitra Super Active+ are soft gelatin capsules for oral use, which are used for treatment of erectile dysfunction.
Apcalis SX
Apcalis SX
Our price: $5.49
Apcalis SX (Ajanta Pharma) is a jelly solution for the treatment of male erectile dysfunction.
Our price: $58.59
ProSolution is a supplement that addresses men's sexual concerns about male enhancement.
Our price: $0.58
ViagRX is the first anti-impotence OTC sublingual tablet that has been clinically proven for its instant effectiveness and complete lack of side effects while treating Erectile Dysfunctionality.
Sublingual Cialis
Sublingual Cialis
Our price: $2.29
Sublingual Cialis is used for treating erectile men's erectile dysfunction (e.g., impotence). Sublingual Cialis starts working in 30 minutes and lasts for about 36 hours, while Viagra effect lasts up to 5 hours. Besides, you can take Sublingual Ciali...
Our price: $18.62
Yagara is made from the world's most erotic herbs to enhance stamina, pleasure, confidence & strength of man.
Mojo Maxx
Mojo Maxx
Our price: $39.14
Mojo Maxx increases your sperm count.
Sublingual Viagra
Sublingual Viagra
Our price: $2.10
Viagra is an oral medicine used for treating male impotence (e.g., erectile dysfunction). Viagra's advantages are a great safety track record and proven side effects. The effect of Viagra starts in 30 minutes to 1 hour and lasts for about 4 hours.
Viagra Soft Flavoured
Viagra Soft Flavoured
Our price: $2.74
Viagra Soft Flavoured is the time-proved and effective medicine, which is prescribed to treat erectile dysfunction (ED).
Viagra Soft Flavored is famed for its splendid taste characteristics!
Our price: $0.83
Revatio (sildenafil) is used to treat pulmonary hypertension (high blood pressure in the blood vessels between the heart and lungs) when people have not responded to conventional treatment.
Viamax Maximizer
Viamax Maximizer
Our price: $59.85
Viamax Maximizer is an effective and all natural supplement specially developed to maximize blood flow and sexual performance.

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