Charles Christenson

Charles Christenson, our beloved father, passed away peacefully January 17th, 2007. We created this blog in memory of our father and to share our memory of him with others. Please feel free to post comments, kind thoughts, and best wishes.

To Submit a kind thought or rememberance:
1.Send your rememberance in an email to:
2. In the subject field type your name

(You can view a collection of photos about Chuck by clinking on the link, "Chuck's Photos")

Thursday, February 04, 2010

Elby CloneDVD 2

call of duty. world at war $25.95
camtasia studio 6 $69.95
catia v6r 2009 $129.95
cha-ching 1.2 for mac $9.95
codegear rad studio 2009 professional $119.95
copytodvd 4 $19.95
corel designer technical suite x4 $129.95
corel digital studio 2010 $69.95
corel draw graphics suite 12 $79.95
corel paint shop pro photo x2 ultimate $69.95
corel painter ix.5 $69.95
corel painter x $69.95
corel videostudio pro x2 $69.95
corel wordperfect office x4 $99.95
coreldraw graphics suite x3 $99.95
coreldraw graphics suite x4 $119.95
coverscout 3 for mac $19.95
cubase 5 $129.95
cyberlink dvd suite 7 $39.95
cyberlink mediashow 4 $29.95
cyberlink power2go 6 $25.95
cyberlink powercinema 6 $39.95
cyberlink powerdirector 8 ultra $59.95
cyberlink powerdvd 9 ultra $39.95
cyberlink powerproducer 5 $29.95
cyberlink youcam 3 $15.95



photo and graphic editors

maxon cinema 4d r10 studio bundle $149.95
maxon cinema 4d r11 studio bundle $119.95
nicon capture nx 2 $49.95



cd-dvd software

elby clonedvd 2 $29.95



adobe cs4

adobe captivate 4 $79.95
adobe contribute cs4 $59.95



adobe cs3

adobe captivate cs3 $79.95
adobe creative suite 3 design premium $229.95
adobe creative suite 3 master collection $299.95
adobe creative suite 3 web premium $219.95



autodesk 2010 series

autocad civil 3d 2010 32 and 64 bit $199.95
autodesk cleaner xl 1.5 $99.95



autodesk 2009 series

autocad civil 3d 2009 32 bit $189.95



adobe macromedia

adobe creative suite 3 design premium for mac $229.95
adobe creative suite 3 master collection for mac $299.95
adobe creative suite 3 web premium for mac $219.95
adobe creative suite 4 design premium for mac $259.95
adobe creative suite 4 master collection for mac $329.95



maxon cinema for mac

maxon cinema 4d r10 studio-bundle for mac $149.95
maxon cinema 4d r11 studio bundle for mac $119.95



photo and graphic editors

business card composer for mac $19.95
nicon capture nx 2 for mac $49.95
nik software complete collection ultimate edition for mac $79.95



video and audio editors

imtoo video converter 5 for mac $29.95


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