Charles Christenson

Charles Christenson, our beloved father, passed away peacefully January 17th, 2007. We created this blog in memory of our father and to share our memory of him with others. Please feel free to post comments, kind thoughts, and best wishes.

To Submit a kind thought or rememberance:
1.Send your rememberance in an email to:
2. In the subject field type your name

(You can view a collection of photos about Chuck by clinking on the link, "Chuck's Photos")

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Turn your professional experience into the University Degree you deserve.

G gxw et a De yz gree in 4 to 6 Wee wji ks with our pro wxe gram!

~We off ip er a pro oz gram that will h bhw elp AN lz YONE with profe pv ssional expe qy rience
get a 100% ve iuy rified De mns gree:
Doct zki orate (PHD), Bach lj elors, Mas pht ters
- Think about it...
Wit nvv hin a few we zp eks, you can bec hr ome a coll tgp ege gra jy duate!- Fol ry low YO sw UR Dre grm ams- Live a bet hzi ter life by earn igh ing or upg dxw rading yo vcc ur de oso gree

This is a rare ch xxh ance to make a rig ydg ht move and rec fgw eive your due
be hr nefits... if you are qu pkf alified but are lac wsk king that pie ott ce of pa ev per,
Get one fr lvr om us in a fra xa ction of the ti gv me.

~CA vlb LL FOR A FR ge EE CON jx SULTA oym TION~


It is your move...
Ma hm ke the right dec gz ision.

Due to time zo mef ne variat ro ions acr vfm oss the cou sqb ntry, a rep smo resent jlm ative may not be in the off vmf ice at the time of your call.
If that is the case ple raw ase leave us a me ari ssage with your na dze me and pho dd ne num kzm ber and we will get back to you as so skd on as possi at ble.

Do Not Reply to this E bx mail.
We do not re sr ply to text inq fab uiries, and our ser bt ver will rej yxx ect all resp rt onse tra ebu ffic.
We apolo wzx gize for any inc idx onve cje nience this m vuo ay ha yv ve cau xgt sed you.


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