Charles Christenson

Charles Christenson, our beloved father, passed away peacefully January 17th, 2007. We created this blog in memory of our father and to share our memory of him with others. Please feel free to post comments, kind thoughts, and best wishes.

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Saturday, November 20, 2010

gen-medroxy People w,ho a,re obese are at a- m_uch higher risk _for_ serious medical co*n,ditions and 'diseases. A_ntibiotic_s can kill most o+f the b-acteria in 'your body' that ar_e sensitive t.o t.hem. Good an-d bad Our Gia_nt Sale +season St'arts today! D*on't miss *your c*hance to -boost your ma*sculine* potency! A s*evere asthma- attack .can be .life-threate-ning. Make* sure you ha_ve an _emergency plan! I h_o,pe you are not that_ stupid to* try treat'ing vira'l infecti.ons with 'antib.iotics? It doesn't* w+ork! Proper _use of antibiotic*s can stop_ i,nfection and save- liv'es, but _you should be ,very careful!' Chole-sterol doesn'.t cau'se symptom,s, people_ often think -their choleste-rol i-s ok when it's* not. Wei-ght regain -after- obesity treatment' is qui+te a norm_al thing,+ but I -know how to maint-ain* weight! It is 'not normal fo_r* a man to lose erec-t_ile function comp-let+ely as a r,esult of the aging+ proce'ss. Your ri'sk of d,eveloping dang*erous *cholesterol leve.l in*creases _as you get+ older. Wat_ch out! If it 'is you who dep,end on *seasonal a,llergy than- it is -high time for y+ou to ,try out our' new drug! I-f you trea-t obesity,+ the su+ccess depends* o*n your mood., your healt+h, & your des,ire to get sl+i_mmer! Antibiotics u'sually taken ,by mou+th, but can som-etime+s be given i+nto a vei.n, into' a muscle. T+he risk of de-veloping cer.tain chronic+ diseases +like, hypertensi_on is of'ten connecte,d with .obesity. This .month we* provide_ all our new cus.tomers with- amazing +opportun+ity to boost -the desir'e! _This medicat*ion is for +those men who k'now th.e true value of- go_od sex and steady. erection,! Your lif+e c_an be easily s'poiled with_ sim*ple food alle-rgy. Make s+ure your ha'nds are clea+n! Docto'rs are less l_ikely to .diagnose me*n w+ith depression tha+n +women. Now thi'nk what's be-tter. You m_ay be- given othe-r medic-ines| such as _anti-epilept,ic drugs, to take with, y_our painkillers.' Obesit.y is a problem -th'at is not taken by most- people. Are yo.u awa,re of the ri'sk? It is usu_ally* possible' to manage _pet allergies _withou't getting ri_d of your cat _or dog! more! A*ntibiot+ics have beco,me part o.f m_odern life but. few of us act'ually know_ what it e'xactly* entail. What y.o*u should know *about .asthma symp.toms to keep, living nor+mal life and s*tay -safe! The +risk of -antibiotic associa.ted diarrh.ea ri-ses with how oft_en *and how the drug i+s taken. Sinc_e the time .when- I started' taking this ama-zing me-dication, 'women call. me 'p.assion'! T'his month we pr,ovid.e all our new cus*tomers w,ith ama'zing oppor+tunity 'to boost the de-sire! B.ecome one' of those, happy men who _solved thei,r problems wi,th pote.ncy .easily! 6 million of p_eop*le that suffer .from chr'onic asthma+ in the Unit-ed State+s are c'hildren. Avoidin-g allerg_ic peo-ple does -not save ,you from allergen-s – th,ey are, watch out! N-eglecting y-our pain can_ b+e more dangerous *that taki'ng t,oo much of pain re+lief -medication+s. The mos+t common all,ergic reacti_ons' are to dust, m*ildew, +milk, food, nuts,+ l*atex, insects. & paint. Li*sten, 10*7 million, or +1 i_n 5 adults i_n our co,untry, ha's cholesterol lev,els. above 200 mg/_dL. We offer +you a +chance to _improve your s*exual he_alth and .your finan_cial condition+s! The maj*ority_ of wel-l-known an-d popular over-,the-c+ounter and p'rescription aller,gy medic'ation! No*t every singl+e ind.ividua,l with asthma* has the same. symptoms in. the same w-ay. 'Vegetaria+ns are at muc*h lower risk. of get+ting obese, as, w.ell as sportsmen*… Think ab.out it!- Men from depres,sion are, more likel.y to be g_iven custodi*al sente,nces_ than women. No ma*tter how +much you ha*ve .read abo_ut asthma, it* always has so_mething* to surpris'e you.. Find out *more about* this pract_ical guide to- diagnosing', treat*ing, an.d living w_ell with f.ood allergies. O-besity & o.verweight ,often are t-raced_ to genes_, and the b,rain can ind.uce appetite .tendencies. .Wh'y are peo.ple getting* addicted to p-ainkille-rs more ,than the o,ther lethal drugs .or alcoho.l? Imp+roper use of' antib'iotics can. be more harm-ful than help+ful. Be .very attenti,ve t_aking it! In .the curr-ent situation o'f global- economic s.lowdown+ many men suf+fer fr*om impotenc+e. Betwe_en 35 and *50 percent of men- wi,th diabe'tes experience -erecti,le dysfunction_. Take good +care!+ Taking med*ications -in order to* stay slim & he'althy' is not stupid as- it may seem-, be*lieve me! +Some health ce*ntres offer .men's-'specifi.c health ch-ecks, but they ar,e not p,opular Boys. are twice as to develo,p severe asth,ma a*s girls, bu't the exact re.ason is u-nknown'. If you are ov*erwei+ght, you m,ay have inherit'ed it,, because it h'as a st'rong genet,ic component. A*lthough _these d'rugs have save_d milli+ons of lives, th_e of anti+bioti+cs causes problems+. ,Antibiotics only w_ork 'against .fighting infecti,ons caus*ed by ba_cteria, -but not viral infec_tions., Choles.terol helps you*r body bu+ild cells,* insulate, nerves-, & produce horm.ones. 'Read m'ore… It's a we_ll-known fact t,hat olde.r adul+ts who su-ffer from ast.hma have po*orer lung -funct.ion. Speci'fic types o.f pain m-ay respond bet+ter to on*e kind of paink_ill.ers than to -another kind.* Our .special gu,est, Dr. Kreuzlang.e will* tell* you everythin.g about im-potence' in men! There are_ t+wo major drawbacks. of -antibiotics': bacterial res,ist-ance and harmfu.l sid*e effects! ,Hay fever annu,ally spoils+ liv+es of thousan,ds pe.ople. But t.hey never' stop looki'ng for trea'tment. Antibiot*ics are t+he first l+ine of defen-se again+st many infe'ctions. But. they do n_o*t affect viru'ses. Neglecting' medical -advice yo'u can also- turn a 'minor health *proble'm into a ser-ious concern. _Alcohol,. impoten'ce an+d substance .abuse is *five times mo're common_ in men than in _w+omen. How *often do you' notice p.roblems with poten-cy? Do. the failures, happ'en more often?* Not ev-ery singl*e individua+l with asth+ma has the s'ame, symptoms in th+e same way. It+ is esti.mat+ed that more t-han 150 peopl'e in -the USA a year f'rom a severe al-lerg_ic reacti-on. Although the li+ttle bl'ue pill* has made 'many a man h.appy, t'here are .new drugs on the 'market. *It is i+mportan+t to let the doctor, *know if your pain *com_es back before th*e next d-ose i*s due. Obesit,y is the re-sult -of the body's ina_bility to b_alance calo'rie inta+ke and ene*rgy _expenditu,re. Men make ,up 96 %. of the world p'rison populati_on. I,t is often cau,sed by po,tency p.roblems. I,n the pas.t, many people *though't obesity w+as si+mply caused by -overeati'ng & under-ex+erci'sing. You may -be given othe.r medicin'es| such as+ antidepr'essan.t drugs to t*ake with your* pai'nkillers. Taking ,medication.s in order -to stay sli_m & h+ealthy is not- that- stupid as -it may s-eem, belie've me! Phys+ical illness is+ a ma_jor contributor-y factor- in me+n developing m.ental d'epressive c_onditions. Abo.ut 50 millio*n peopl*e in the ,United S.tates suffer fro*m so,me form of al'lergy and. asthma.. Did you know t*ha.t more than 55%. of ad-ult Ameri-cans - 100 million, peopl_e - are o,verweight. An+tihistamin+es c*an cause sleepi*ness, so' never take on-e any t-ime saf*ety requires yo*u to b+e alert. ,My husband has ne_ver _been that acti,ve in b'ed! I have s'ex as oft'en as I a+lways wanted,! Atte*ntion! Conti.nued use o-f antib+iotics can serious-l.y disrupt t,he normal ecology* of 'the body. Att.ention! Conti*nued 'use of antibi-otics can s.eriou+sly disrupt+ the normal ecol_o*gy of the +body. The bod-y needs som.e cholesterol i+n -order to function' pr'operly. The matt'er is h*ow much. Did- you kno*w that the+ number of obe+se +children has nearl.y doubled- ov_er the past 20 y_ears. Antibi*oti_cs aren't smar,t enoug_h to destro*y only +the bad bacteri.a. You sho_uld be very+ attent+ive! It.'s important to' know, that pai'nkillers m+ay be taken in c'ombin.ations with oth-er me.dications. L'earn how to ma_nage daily s'tr,ess so that you. can re*duce your. asthma sym+ptoms. _Did your sympt_oms of as-thma devel'op as an+ adult? This. may be only th_e 'very begin-ning! I do not, care about .my blo.od cholestero,l as I know_ perf,ectly well ho.w to control -it easily.! Ast-hma affects kids +in differ+ent_ ways. Read mo're about the +ways of re'ducing the 'symptom-s. Mo_st allergy-provok_ing gras+ses throughout th-e world. Hav-e your dru.g on you! ,A s*evere asthma _attack can, be life-+threateni+ng. Make_ sure you have an* emerg+ency pl,an! Severe as-thma can be l'ife-th-reatening if not- recognis*ed or ma'naged c,orrectly, wi,th me'dicine. Polle,n is alre'ady here! It's t.ime to _close your win+dows a*nd door's or… take a pi-ll &. enjoy life!_ Some peopl_e may only ,have as'thma during ex'ercise or ast.hma with, viral_ infect'ions like colds'. The amount -of w,eight you nee'd to loose .depen_ds on your health _co,ndition an_d your gene-s. There ar,e no magic ,foods or dr+inks that can. help 'you overcome ob*es*ity. But there +is on'e medicine! Ba_cterial* infectio'ns are espec*ially da-ngerous when the_y occur +in children., Be r_eady to f,ight! I ha_ve read abou_t special *tips that- help ast_hmatic people. to solve thei.r problem_s with breat+hi,ng. If norma-l life for y*ou means on_ly lif_e without alle'rgy, than _this med*ication is cr,eat-ed for you. Do+ you know+ the earl.y signs of an a.sth*ma attack?, Their variety. may reall,y surprise _you. .Contemporary e+nviron+ment s so po,lluted, that+ allerg,ies are observed -mor_e and more+ often. Each y+ear, al.lergies account ,for more t'han 17 mi-llion o*utpatient o_ffice visits., often -in spring & fa_ll E+rectile. dysfuncti_on is a comm'on problem i_n men b*etween 40 and _55. Don't pani_c, d.ude! Up to +4 out of 5, people 'with asthma h,ave trouble w+ith+ noisy breathing 'dur'ing or after e'xercise. If ,you are over,w*eight , ask your d,octor if y,ou need med-icine_ to hel_p lower your* cholesterol. Bo_t.h partners can suf-fer i-f erectile dy*sfunc*tion goes un'treated. Be resp.onsible _to your _partner. Th'e most, common allergies_ are t'o animal dan_der, cleani'ng prod,ucts or strong od.our*s. Scientists ,have found t'hat so,me foods (as* fish &' walnuts) can hel_p contr+ol your. cholesterol.' If you ha*ve asthma_ it is very .import_ant not to smok_e 'and keep away from _smo_king people! T-here are* several *factors t-hat contribute t+o high chol_esterol -.- on-ly some are contr.ollable'. Hi,gh blood cholestero+l is one 'of the maj-or risk f,actors fo.r he,art disease._ Learn more _now! Read mor'e and p'rotect y'our lungs from fu-rther i_rritation an_d inflam*mation +caused b,y smoke. Do, you know any ho*me reme+dies or+ tricks .for asthma? I share som+e gre,at tricks .with you! Are 'with your_ penis size an-d its +perform*ance? It's high' tim*e to corr+ect nature's mist_akes! Abo'ut three o_ut of four .children wit_h a*sthma in the* USA contin-ue to h'ave symptoms as- adults. ,Heal_th care pr_ofessionals' can check ch*olesterol in. school-age k-ids by a, simple_ blood 'test. Cho.lesterol i-s a building, block for +cell membr+anes & hor_mones like_ estrogen & tes,tosterone+. In the cur-re,nt situation of+ global+ economic slo'wdown* many men suffe,r from impo+tence. Th,e prevalenc,e of .reported' food aller,gy cases i,ncreased 18% a'mong c'hildren un-der age 18 years. ,Do _you have any prob+lem*s with sex? Th+ey all can ,be solved. fore*ver with one ,single pill of-… O_ur Giant Sale sea-son S,tarts tod*ay! Don't .miss your chance_ to boost y.our _masculine ,potency! If too ,much cho.lester.ol builds up in .your bo,dy, the blo'od cannot_ flow t_hrough to your, he+art. Have .you ever t'ried anything +more effectiv_e tha*n this brand-new *supe.r effecti,ve antibiotic? 'Vascul*ar disease, diab*ete-s, hyperten_sion often cause. erectile 'dys.function & d.isorders in 'men. Med+ia images lead *us to beli,eve .that men ar'e always+ ready for sex' physically, and psycho*logical_ly. A variety_ of ,things can af+fect 'cholesterol _levels. These are. things, you can. do for your -health! Fol*lowing a-re the most c'ommon asth_ma 'symptoms: 'shortness of bre+at.h, coughing & wh,eezing. Our' specia,l guest, Dr. Kr*euzla.nge will tell y.ou' everything abo_ut impoten-ce i'n men! Men ar.e likely +to experie'nce long-te.rm unemployme,nt wh'at often lea'ds to potenc_y problems. T+heophylline- h'as been used for s,o'me asthmatics .in the past bu-t is +not used as o_ften anym_ore. On_e of the most co.mmon side *effect_s of a*ntibiotics is y+east ov,ergrowth. It'.s dan-gerous… Painki'llers are. the most abu-sed type -of prescriptio.n dr+ugs by ,teenagers, follo_wed by st+imulants. B*e realistic a'bout+ sexual ex,pectations fo*r yourse-lf and yo+ur partne,r. It is not +always id,ealistic.- You don't have. to spend a-ll your' money on er'ectile _dysfunction ,treatmen.t. It's sa_le time! ,Studies ,suggest tha*t depressio,n caused' by health disor_ders occur_s as often. in men' as in wome_n. Larg-e amount of f*at food & la'ck of act_ivity i*n your life 'can cause- obesity. .Time to count *cal+ories? D*o you have a_ny problems with *sex? Th-ey all .can be solved fo_rever wit*h one sing_le pill -of… If you -have a s.evere, asthma it is vi_tally imp.ortant ,to know how .to use_ your correctly._ Betwee-n 35 and *50 percent o-f men with diab_etes e*xperience ere_ctile _dysfunction.. Take goo'd care! Yo.ung gir-ls who star,e at models +from ma*gazines feel thems'elves defec.tive *and eat too' much. then. We offer- you an. unprecede*nted opportunity* of buy+ing che+ap cholesterol l.owering d.rugs! .Keep an *eye on your_ penis a'nd its performa.nce even +if you ,have never had pro.blems! .The wors,t thing on'e can do *is to take only -a few* of th*e antibiotic- prescribe+d. Don't act! -If you thi.nk before you -eat and kee+p active du-ring the d.ay ,you are protec.ted from obe_sity! Lo+ng-ter+m plan of- obesity ,treatment thor,oughly discus+sed 'with your 'doctor can be *the best* way! Risk fac-tors for 'alle-rgy are numerous +& you wo.n't be+ able to pro+tect yourself .from everyt+hing-! On many occasio,ns, patien-ts have a_sked me wh+ether exerc.ise 'will help prev.ent asth,ma. Men sho,uld not attem+p.t intercourse +if they ar'e not in the *mood becau,se it -can affect po_tency. You_r personal +all*ergy treatment r-equires *much time t*o find+. But finally yo-u will .discover i+t! Does .lowering LDL- cholestero_l prevent hear_t att'acks and strok'es.? Read more ,on cholesterol. O*besi'ty & overweight +often are_ tra_ced to genes, an,d the br'ain can ind,uce appet,ite tende+ncies. This+ month w+e prov'ide huge disco_unts for *our best_ antibiotics so yo,u ca'n save a +lot buying it! M'ana*ging high cho+lesterol isn't 'a s+imple do-it-yo*urself p+roject. Yo-u need profes_sional hel,p! Po,pular cholester*ol-.lowering dr,ugs called statin_s m.ay slight-ly raise the -risk of .type 2 diabetes* Asthma often' wo-rsens at night f-or a few. rea.sons. Do no+t forget to -take your med_icine re-gularly. no.lvadex Es.tradiol Valer-ate Cordaron-e [c*ordarone] (.Amiodarone) C+yklokapron [cyk+lokap*ron] (T+ranexamic 'acid, Transamin,T_ranscam,, Espercil). Worms Care-,O-Pet_ — Pets, Dog,s, Pain, Anal,gesic, O_steoarthritis* H*imcospaz [*himcospaz] ,Chronic ,Stable Angina' minocin Prozac+ — Depressi_o+n, Antidep*ressant, Obsessive-_Compulsiv_e Disorder', Bulimi,a, Pani+c Disorder, Prem*enstr*ual Dysphori'c Diso_rder, Pa+nic Attacks, 'Eating Diso*rder an*xiety disor*der Lipotrexate —' Weight L,oss*, Obesity atro,vent Runny N,ose Fu+razolidone +— Diarrhe-a, Enteritis- Clofa,zimine (lampr+ene) M*eclizine ('Antivert, Bonine,. Bonami*ne, Dramamine,. D-vert,_ Univ_ert, Vertin) T*oradol, (Ketorolac, 'ketorola*c trometh,amine) C_lozapine (Clozar'il, D_enzapine, E+lcrit, Leponex,+ Lozapin,_ Si'zopin, Zapone_x, Denz-apine, Fazac*lo, Fro.idir) Avandaryl (*Rosiglit,azone_ Maleate, -Glimepiride) Ski-n Healt.h endometrial .cancer. deltastab Le-ft Ven,tricular Hyp.ertrop,hy Betapace — Ar,rhyth-mia, Ventricu'lar Arrhythmi*a, .Tachycardia+, Heart, Hype_rtensi,on, Atrial F,ibrillation. rsv infection Y-as_htimadhu Yag_ara (Herb+al Viagra) [yaga+ra] _(Herbal .Viagra) agoraph'obia* Alphagan — Glau_coma, Ocula*r Hype*rtension L,ow Libi_do mometaso*ne Q Quick Bust — -Breast En'la,rgement, Breast' Enhan*cer Alert Cap-s (Sle'ep & Relaxation M-icardis [micard-is] (Tel-misartan., Pritor, Kinza+l, Telma, 'Telday, Tel'eact D-, mycardi_s) Prostate En.largement* Cipro (Cip'rofloxacin,- Ciloxan, 'Ciproxi*n, P,roquin) F,rontier (Frontli+ne) 22-44 l-bs (frontli_ne., fipronil) c'leocin a_ccupro Heartz (M-edium Dog.s) [heartzm-] (Heartgar+d Plus, Iv+ermectin, P,yrant.el Pam-oate) mavid Non-Spe'cific *Dermatitis nat-r,ilix Soft ED Pa'ck (Viagr,a Soft Tabs ++ Cialis_ Soft Ta'bs) — Erecti+le Dysfunctio_n, Male En.han_cement, Erection, I'mpotence 'Lov+aza — High Ch_olester-ol, Triglyceride's arth-ritis Ovral G ('Norgestre-l, Ethinylo+estradiol') Zocor ('Simvas_tatin, Simlup, S'imcar.dis, Ranzolont, ,S.imvador)) Acai '(Weight- Loss, diet,* diet pills+) prema,ture ejacu+lation Ca-rdura (Doxazo,sin, Ca+rduran, Casc_or, Doxadura) +aler-_tab Minocycline, (min*ocin, 'Dynacin,, Solodyn, A,kamin, Cynom+yc*in, Mestac_ine, Minomycin). bladder le-akage Quinin'e — Malaria_ * Lithium (-Eskalith,* Lithobid, Lit,honate, -Lithotabs,* Eskalith-CR*, Litha_ne, Lithota,bs, Calith, C.amcolit,. Carbolit, Car-bolith, Ceg-lution, Ceg_luti,on 300, Du'ralith, Hypnorex,, Hynorex_ Re-tard, Hypon*rex, Lentoli+th, Li'cab, Licarb,* Licarbium,, Lidin, Lilipin,- Lilitin,- Limas+) Toprol X_L — Angin,a, High Bloo_d Pres-sure, Hyperten,sion,_ Heart Pain, Hear-t Failur-e, Tachyca'rdia durra_x arava br,ufen reta+rd micona.zole Sm-oking Every.where Elec,tronic Ci*garette (m+ksmokes) Biaxi.n (Clarith,romycin, Clara'c, Clari,bid, Clarid,ar, Clar*ihexa,l, Clarix*, Kalixocin, Klacid_, Kl*aribac, Klarici.d, Klerime_d, Klerimid*, Mavid, -Na_xy, Zeclar) He*artgard Chewab_le m+axaman -Goiter ocd Diet' (weight lo+ss, diet pi+lls) +Lotrisone — Fungal- Infections., Jock Itc+h, Athle,te's Fo.ot, Ringworm *gabapentin_ Azor (am,lodipine', olmesar.tan) atomoxet+ine s.mok-ox T'onsillitis dox.epin Her,pes Labialis O,vral G' (Norgest,rel, Ethi+nyloestradi,ol) aloe* vera noni juice m'il_nacipran Ras_h Diltiaze+m HCL — H.igh Blood Pressur'e, Hype-rtensi*on, Angin.a, Arrhythmia Sw*ine Fl*u Irregular_ Heart Rhythm P-rovera+ (medroxyp.rogesterone, -Climanor, -Alti-MPA,, Gen-Me_droxy, No-vo-Medrone, ,Clinofem, 'Cycrin, Fa*rlutal, GestaP*olar, Ges_tapuran., Medro'xine, Me-droxyhexal, -Meprate, Perlut-ex, Prodafe'm, Triclofe*m, Ve_raplex, Ralove'ra) A .Abana He*artCare Pri*losec — Du'odenal Ulce-r, Gastric, Gas,troesophagea*l Reflu.x Disease, GER-D, Eros+ive E+sophagitis, Zo'llinger-,Ellison+ Syndrome finas*t Pro-*Erex — Ere*ctile Dysfunct-ion, Male En.hancem+ent, Erectio-n, ED,. Impotence +anovulation+ pilopine .Paxil (Paroxeti'ne, S'eroxat)_ Artane (tr_ihexypheni'dyl) levoxy,l Plavix — Hear't Attack, _St.roke, Acute Cor,onary Syndrome', ACS, Myo.cardial In-farction,, Periphe-ral Arte,rial Disease. Hytrin' (Terazosi_n) Ple-tal (cilostazo,l) Lidocai+ne [li.docaine] (lignoca+ine, *lidoderm, lidoca,ine- gel, topical l.idocaine, So*larcain+e, lid*ocain, lidocain,e cream, An-estaco'n, Burna-mycin, Bu'rn-O-Jel, Lida Man'tle, ,Lidoder'm, LMX 4, LM'X 5, Senatec, *Topi.caine, Xyloca_ine) Ch_loroquine — M_alaria, Rheumat,oi-d Arthriti*s, Discoid L+upus Erythemato+sus Be'll's Palsy Geo'don — Antip.sychot'ic, Schizophre'nia, Mania,_ _Bipolar Disorde+r Acidity. Acai [acai] (W_eight L_oss, diet, d_iet p-ills) Smok-ing Ces.sation cor'tal motrin Hydroc'ortisone C*rea*m — Eczema, Dermati'tis, *Insect Bites, ,Nappy Ras+h Cef'tin (Cefuroxime,, Zina,cef, Bactice+f, Cefasun, -Cefudura,, Cefu,hexal, Cefurax, C.efutil, C,etil, Frox'ime, Elobact., Oraxim,+ Zi,nnat) Diclofenac —, P+ain, Arthriti.s, Spon'dylitis, Jo+int Stif-fness, Join,t Swelling. Tindamax (tinida+zole) U_rinary Outf*low Obstr-uction Selegi+line ('Eldepryl, Emsa+m, Zel_apar) Maleg,ra DXT (S'ildena.fil + Dul.oxetine) (s'ildenafil cit-rate, dulo'xetine, viagra,, cymb'alta, 'yentreve) Ant.icholi_nergic Inhal,er Temporal Art-eri.tis iscover Sunth*i Himcolin_ [himcolin,] griseo-fulvin ,intestinal bl.ockage Tr.iamterene — E-dema, .Fluid Retenti_on, Diuretic,, High Bloo+d Pre*ssure, Hyp'ertension F-ronti-er (Frontline) '22-44 lbs, [frontier,] (frontline*, fipronil) Pruritus c,aptop,ril Ribavir-in — RSV Inf-ection, Hep+atitis C. Galvus ,— Diabetes, .Blood S'ugar Elocon — Al'lergy', Eczema *Manic Depressio,n G Gal_antamine (Nival_i.n, Razadyne, Ra_zadyne, R.eminyl) Hoo+dia Patch [ho-odiapatch_] Prinivil _(Lisinopril,, Tens_opril, Zest+ril, Hip*ril, Cara_ce, lisinopril h.ctz, lis-inaopril) Al_le.rgic Rhiniti's seroquel o*bsessiv_e-compulsi*ve disord'er Hydrea (Hydrox-yurea) L_odin.e (etodolac, Eccox,olac, Utr_adol_) Sterapre+d (Omnipred, P,rednisone,, Deltas*one, Liquid Pred,_ Me,ticorten, Oras-one,, Prednicen-M, .Sterapred, ,Sterapr,ed DS, predis+one) Maxalt (R.izatripta.n, Ri,zaliv, Riza-lt) Wee_kend Prince a,rizol _Osteoporosi_s Rhinoco*rt — Aller'gy, Stiffnes,s, Runny Nose-, N.asal Congestion, 'Nasal Spra'y z_oleri Trental (Pen+to.xifylline, Pent'oxil) Herbol*ax [h'erbolax] gentame*n Tric'hostr_ongyliasis Lior-esal (Bacl*ofen, Kemst'ro, Baclosp_as, pain, _muscle_ relaxer, -muscle relaxant*)


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