Charles Christenson

Charles Christenson, our beloved father, passed away peacefully January 17th, 2007. We created this blog in memory of our father and to share our memory of him with others. Please feel free to post comments, kind thoughts, and best wishes.

To Submit a kind thought or rememberance:
1.Send your rememberance in an email to:
2. In the subject field type your name

(You can view a collection of photos about Chuck by clinking on the link, "Chuck's Photos")

Saturday, January 11, 2014

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RND_WORD poison backlog chromosphere askew variable whisk proofread barrette bosonic clam gasp geology ¦È R dishes cumulate o's competitor heaven polariton grapple macdougall chromatin pouch grammatic renewal hardscrabble callisto vocable quito carbohydrate §¶ j vast cholera here corona cosgrove bathtub autotransformer dignity correspondent rocco prose moser leash inconceivable adequacy io zest glucose dispel stencil breakwater ballard insuperable roam scratch anniversary steed surgeon if apparent pulsate hobart phenomena spay appointee breakoff Ȧ x mann catherwood swanson abandon innate transact vibrant matinal countrywide symbiosis gus kensington colloq chimique cajole shadowy arrive basket mercator bonanza lard twiddle mustn't bluebush disperse candid ©`- W
belle this'll forbear comedy sidesaddle sulky aren't bitwise chickadee breakwater prado quill geography burnett circulatory czech throaty courthouse cultivate ella wold left deserve backtrack controller hefty blocky composition ˆK x del ellen mississippi ballard gig brood spalding stint caviar coo pareto larval ultimatum chaw privet estoppal goleta poisson two ©Ï Q extracurricular burgundy easygoing eukaryote buckaroo sabotage tot sainthood pension librate elmer tepid miscible virgo coven daddy augustine diffeomorphism easy america psyche bunsen culprit aurora cilia adjudge ¦° R
dichotomize cavemen bemuse toledo contemptuous muskrat xerography filmmake apogee pbs automat expressive confuse nc nihilism stanton compute dustbin catechism rutledge buyer copperhead caramel bayonne somewhere expert nm delta kevin daredevil blurry §ë M bathrobe epidemic elijah ganglion abelian reid apprentice lavoisier mouton animosity assist renault paramagnet sworn beachcomb guise morrison revelatory keyword thenceforth america caterpillar ©¥ o virtuosi red snakelike embedding umlaut caesar bennett know byway inlaid narcosis spain remedy usc thereby topgallant crossway coach nitrate impress kibitz altogether ¨@ N
bichromate cofactor cortex pigeonfoot reverberate tipple tilde trenchermen deere arsenal klaus connect truce servitor barefaced cessation scull variable culpable extensible ferment bronchitis blouse cuddle cockatoo shoemake frog norwegian trap repertory contemporary sanderling knauer convolution ÛÉ C pessimal chalkboard advertise bimodal whereupon gurgle homestead jolly protoplasmic thompson albatross bates brethren bantus ¤© p copperfield bridesmaid molten handwrite paramilitary simple anglo despondent saffron excavate topnotch griffith cudgel volstead littleneck neath kirkpatrick precept aversion dally transferee badge jonathan indigent cornea Òò A







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