Charles Christenson

Charles Christenson, our beloved father, passed away peacefully January 17th, 2007. We created this blog in memory of our father and to share our memory of him with others. Please feel free to post comments, kind thoughts, and best wishes.

To Submit a kind thought or rememberance:
1.Send your rememberance in an email to:
2. In the subject field type your name

(You can view a collection of photos about Chuck by clinking on the link, "Chuck's Photos")

Thursday, March 17, 2016


------------------ 原始邮件 ------------------
发件人: "邓府";<>;
发送时间: 2016-3-18  6:59:08
收件人: "danpaul22.chuck"<>;
主题: 在产能过剩,竞争的压力越来越大的现状下,如何降低采购的各项成本?如何分析供应商的报价?

folhp详 细 课 程 大 纲 请 查 阅 附 件 一生能够积累多少财富,不取决于你能够赚多少钱,而取决于你如何投资理财,钱找人胜过人找钱,要懂得钱为你工作,而不是你为钱工作。


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