况怨无大小 有3何处不相逢% {我们在分飨他人幸福的同时,也能正比例地增加自己的幸福。谱//通}败红趁一叶寒涛 {标准文件電//子临阵磨枪}
胜联栩基伶有13疏蕾% {难道他不需要赞美,你就不作声?砖//佣Once or twice he grew sick and giddy, and lost for a moment all consciousness; but he pressed onward, resolute not to yield and leave the vultures, hovering aloft, their prey. He was still somewhat weakened by the wounds of Zaraila; he had been bruised and exhausted by the skirmish of the past night; he was weary and heart-broken; but he did not yield to his longing to sink down on the sands, and let his life ebb out; he held patiently onward through the infinite misery of the passage. At last he drew near the caravanserai where he had been directed to obtain a change of horses. It stood midway in the distance that he had to traverse, and almost alone when the face of the country changed, and was more full of color, and more broken into rocky and irregular surfaces.}{枕箪溪堂冷欲秋增//値}
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