(You can view a collection of photos about Chuck by clinking on the link,
"Chuck's Photos")
Terry R. Shaw
Although we grew up together in Litchfield, our 12 years age difference kept us apart and I never knew Chuck nor any of the family during my "Litchfield years". After my first book, "Terry Tales", came out about growing up in Litchfield during the 50s, I was performing at the G.A.R. Hall one Memorial Day several years ago. I was in the front room singing with my guitar for a few hours while people came, ate and went, enjoying the Hall's annual BBQ feed. One man, though, sat and listened to me all afternoon from a table by my side. He applauded all my songs and just stayed there as people came and went. Finally when I finished, he came up and introduced himself to me. It was Chuck. He complimented my singing and then proceeded to go on and on about how much he enjoyed my book and how I should write another one. (I did.) He said that we had similar backgrounds and he felt almost as though he was reading his own story. From that point on, Chuck and I became fast friends. It seemed that I kept running into him, especially at any event at the Hall. We'd always spend a lot of time just talking about Litchfield, his family, my family, the G.A.R., etc. One hot July day, I stood in the sun performing in front of Rennie's China Closet during Crazy Days in Litchfield. I was uncomfortable, sweating and tired. Who sat by me all through it? Chuck. We talked and talked between songs and I did every song for him that he requested. One day he called me and told me that his brother, Jerry, was dying and wanted to meet me. So we arranged a dinner together at Swan's Cafe and had a very enjoyable talk. Jerry presented me with a copy of his own book, which he said he wrote because he was inspired by my book. I was honored. Chuck asked me to perform for his last Class of '51 reunion and that was the last time I saw Chuck. We sat together during the supper and talked. Then Chuck got up to give a speech and went on and on about me instead of his class, etc. I was embarrassed, but humbled and honored. That was Chuck. Going on and on about his friends, when we should have been going on and on about him. A book could've been written about Chuck alone and, in a way, it has. It'll be forever in the memories of every one his life ever touched. He was that kind of man. You can't forget him. |
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