Charles Christenson
Charles Christenson, our beloved father, passed away peacefully January 17th, 2007. We created this blog in memory of our father and to share our memory of him with others. Please feel free to post comments, kind thoughts, and best wishes.
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Sunday, May 30, 2010
Saturday, May 29, 2010
Thursday, May 27, 2010
★★ 股权激励暨劳动力资源合理定价 ★★
【授课时间】2010年6月05 - 06日 深圳
【授课时间】2010年6月25 - 26日 上海
【主办单位】一六八培训网 <>
【报名电话】020-31645729 林先生
1. 股权激励和期权制度的异同
2. 国外期权制度在中国的实施现状
3. 适应中国国情的股权激励和期权制度
4. 全员持股与历史上曾经尝试过的全员持股的有效区别
5. 公司成败的决定性因素是解决好三层关系
案例:上市公司的股权激励计划屡屡通不过证监会审核 ?
1. 企业定价与劳动力资源定价理论
2. 不变资本与资本论中的不变资本
3. 劳动力与货币两项资本项目下的资本值。
4. 员工持股的方法与其它股权的区别
5. 剩余价值理论分析与现实社会实践的区别
1. 马克思剩余价值学说中利润,利润率,剩余价值,剩余价值率的计算关系
9. 个人账户现金值的变现。
1. 出资人的诉求
2. 劳动力的出资过程
3. 员工工资的实际意义
4. 为什么说劳动力作为资本能使企业的现金流得到提升?
1. 执行层的诉求
2. 执行层的短期效益与管理层的预期收益。
3. 优先股的激励制度是实现合理分配、增加执行层未来收益的基础
4. 企业的利润难以做为企业扩大再生产的源泉
5. 在不改变现有薪酬结构的情况下,怎样最大地发挥劳动者的积极性?
1. 管理层的诉求
2. 企业究竟是大好,还是小好?
3. 授予管理层和执行层股份的意义。
4. 股东和管理层身份重合时,如何解决分配的公平性。
5. 非上市公司怎样保持企业活力?
1. 股东的诉求
2. 劳动力作为资本,会对货币出资人侵权?
3. 企业内的交易计算是建立全员差别持股的基础
4. 劳动力作为资本对于社会财富结构的合理化
1. 企业内部生产关系的不协调,直接导致企业被兼并
2. 兼并重组最大障碍是对劳动力的历史贡献的量化.
3. 目前的收入分配方式,能解决一次分配占比能解决二级分化问题吗?
4. 劳动力资本化对货币资本的在兼并重组等交易中的重要性
黄志印 --- 北京大学EMBA,北京大学公共经济管理中心研究员,剩余价值实践理论专家,北京某私募基金首席执行官。首位把剩余价值理论,实践到公司治理结构的学者型企业家。曾供职于某大型国企,并自办民营企业,随后供职于国泰君安,华润(香港),广发证券(北京)。改革开放30年,我国企业结构治理问题层出不穷,黄志印先生对于企业出资人,管理层,执行层的诉求和矛盾有着深刻的认识。进入21世纪,黄志印先生以访问学者身份多次出访德国,日本,瑞典等国知名大学和大型企业以寻求公司结构治理的最佳范本。对我国企业劳动激励制度照搬西方经验的利与弊有着深刻的了解。黄先生研究成果《价值与价值投资》,《风险控制市场模型》、《抛物线投资法》经多家财经媒体予以报道。
●●● 报名回执表 ●●●
企 业 名 称:______________________________________________人 数:____________人
联 系 人:_____________________ 电 话:________________传 真:__________________
移动电话:_____________________ 电 邮:________________________________________
参 会 人 姓 名_____________________________________________________________
付款方式:(请选择打"√") 1、转帐 2、现金
课程地点:(请选择打"√") 1、深圳 2、上海
Wednesday, May 26, 2010
Tuesday, May 25, 2010
Monday, May 24, 2010
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+ bonus pills VI@GRA Generic Ci@lis Generic Levltra
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- Generic Nimotop
- Generic Norvasc
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- Generic Plendil
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- Generic Zocor
Saturday, May 22, 2010
Friday, May 21, 2010
From Mr Mazikana Hassan
Thursday, May 20, 2010
Wednesday, May 19, 2010
Monday, May 17, 2010
Kaspersky Internet Security 2010
Adobe Creative Suite 4 Master Collection
Windows 7 Ultimate (64 bit)
Microsoft Windows Vista Ultimate with SP2 (32bit)
Microsoft Office 2003 Professional SP3
Adobe Photoshop CS4 Extended
Adobe Acrobat 9 Pro Extended
Adobe Premiere Pro CS4
Adobe Dreamweaver CS4
Adobe Flash CS4 Professional
Microsoft Office 2007 Enterprise
CodeGear RAD Studio 2009 Architect
Autodesk AutoCAD 2009
Roxio Creator 2009 Ultimate
McAfee Total Protection 2009
Microsoft Expression Web 2
Adobe Photoshop CS4 Extended MAC
Adobe Premiere Pro CS4 MAC
Apple Final Cut Express 4 MAC
Propellerhead Reason 4 MAC
Adobe Creative Suite 4 Master Collection MAC
I.R.I.S. Readiris 11 Pro MAC
Microsoft Office 2008 MAC
Native Instruments Traktor DJ Studio 3.4 MAC
Pixologic ZBrush 3 MAC
DAZ Bryce 6.1 MAC
Adobe Dreamweaver CS4 MAC
Adobe InDesign CS4 MAC
Adobe After Effects CS4 MAC
Adobe Illustrator CS4 MAC
QuarkXpress 8 MAC
Parallels Desktop 4.0 for Mac
Sunday, May 16, 2010
Truth. He kept silent; and she, b
Do you suspect anything?" "Nothing at all, chief." "That's a pi
a number of crimes, all of the same class,
of which we have failed to discover the perpetrator.
This time we want the criminal ... and
quickly!" "A difficult job, chief." "It's got to be done. Listen to me, Ganimard. According to what the maid says, Jenny Saphir led a very regular
life. For a month past she was in the habit of frequently receiving visits, on her return from the music-hall, that is to say, at about half-past ten, from a man who would stay until midnight or so. 'He's a society man,' Jenny Saphir used to say, 'and he wants to marry me.' This society man took every precaution to avoid being seen, such
as turning up his coat-col
Saturday, May 15, 2010
Windows 7 Professional
Office Home and Student 2007

Microsoft Office Home and Student 2007 is the essential software suite for home computer users that enables you to quickly and easily create great-looking documents, spreadsheets, and presentations, and organize your notes and information in one place, making it easier and more enjoyable for you to get things done.
This suite contains the following Microsoft Office products:
- Word 2007
- Excel 2007
- PowerPoint 2007
- OneNote 2007
Note: Suite does not include Office Outlook 2007.
Reasons to buy
- Office Home and Student 2007 has improved picture, charting, and graphics tools to help you produce better-looking documents, spreadsheets, and presentations more quickly.
- Office Home and Student 2007 has the Office Fluent User Interface to help you create documents faster, more easily, and more intuitively. Reduce the time and frustration of learning new software with commands that present the right tools when you need them.
- Office Home and Student 2007 makes it easier to format your Microsoft Office Word documents with more stable and predictable bullets, numbering, and tables.
- Office Home and Student 2007 is easier to use, thanks to an improved Help system that provides enhanced ScreenTips and links to relevant information in Microsoft Office system programs or on the Internet when connected.
- A large library of standard charts, quick formatting tools, and SmartArt diagrams make it easy to include rich and stunning visuals and charts.
- Microsoft Office OneNote 2007 gives you a digital notebook where you can gather, organize, and search all types of notes and information typed text, images, audio and video recordings, Web clippings, computer files, and more all in one place.
- Document Themes help ensure a consistent appearance among the documents you create in Office Word 2007, Microsoft Office Excel 2007, and Microsoft Office PowerPoint 2007, to make working across the programs you use most more convenient.
System requirements
- Microsoft Windows XP with Service Pack (SP) 2, Windows Server 2003 with SP1, or later operating system (Send to OneNote 2007 print driver and Internet Fax not available on 64 bit OS. The Office Clean-up wizard not available on 64 bit OS.)
- 1.5 gigabyte (GB); a portion of this disk space will be freed after installation if the original download package is removed from the hard drive.
- 256MB RAM or higher (2 gigahertz (GHz) processor or higher and 1GB RAM or higher recommended for OneNote Audio Search. Close-talking microphone required. Audio Search not available in all languages. Grammar and contextual spelling in Word is not turned on unless the machine has 1 GB memory.
- CD-ROM or DVD drive
Adobe Creative Suite 4 Design Premium for MAC

AdobeŽ Creative SuiteŽ 4 Design Premium software is the ultimate toolkit for today's designer. Express yourself in exciting new ways and deliver rich creative experiences across print, web, and mobile media.
InDesign CS4
Photoshop CS4 Extended
Illustrator CS4
Flash CS4 Professional
Dreamweaver CS4
Fireworks CS4
Acrobat 9 Pro
Adobe Bridge CS4
Adobe Device Central CS4
Version Cue CS
Essential design tools enhanced and extendedenhanced
Enjoy feature-packed new versions of your favorite design software. Discover innovative online services for collaborating, finding inspiration, and mastering your design tools, and use AdobeŽ FireworksŽ CS4 for fast website prototyping.
Everyday tasks made even simplerenhanced
In Adobe InDesignŽ CS4, easily manage placed files in the new, customizable Links panel. Rotate the canvas in Adobe PhotoshopŽ CS4 Extended or the spread in InDesign. Combine multiple artboards in a single document in Adobe IllustratorŽ CS4.
Streamlined delivery across mediaenhanced
Build rich interactive documents by exporting an InDesign layout and adding animation in Adobe FlashŽ CS4 Professional. Prototype websites by opening Photoshop or Illustrator mock-ups in Fireworks CS4, and then embellishing in Flash or publishing in Adobe DreamweaverŽ CS4.
Easy-to-do animation and videoenhanced
In Flash CS4 Professional, create simple but engaging animations in as few as two steps. Use Photoshop CS4 Extended to enhance video footage, even syncing visual effects to the audio track.
Mobile designs for millionsenhanced
Use Adobe Device Central CS4 to easily create, preview, and test mobile content on a wide selection of devices under simulated real-life conditions directly from your desktop.
Innovative collaboration and presentationsenhanced
Easily share your screen to present, review, or brainstorm directly from within your design software. Showcase your work in a dynamic, customizable PDF Portfolio that is easy to distribute and view.
Quality testing as you workenhanced
Catch production errors on-the-fly with Live Preflight in InDesign CS4, preview content under real-world browser conditions with Live View in Dreamweaver CS4, test mobile designs in Device Central, and use enhanced preflight checks and corrections in Adobe AcrobatŽ 9 Pro.
Convenient new common interfaceenhanced
Enjoy improved interface consistency across all Adobe Creative SuiteŽ 4 Design Premium components. Flexibly arrange multiple documents in a single window to compare content or drag-copy objects between them. Easily tab through multiple open documents without maximizing each one.
Answers when you need themnew
Connect to the expertise of the online design community through your creative desktop. Access information ranging from basic tips, Adobe Help content, and video tutorials to community discussions and blogs.
System requirements
- PowerPCŽ G5 or multicore IntelŽ processor
- Mac OS X v10.4.1110.5.4
- Java Runtime Environment 1.5 required for Adobe Version CueŽ Server
- 1GB of RAM or more recommended
- 10.3GB of available hard-disk space for installation; additional hard-disk space required during installation (cannot install on a volume that uses a case-sensitive file system or on flash-based storage devices)
- 1,024x768 display (1,280x800 recommended) with 16-bit video card
- Some GPU-accelerated features require graphics support for Shader Model 3.0 and OpenGL 2.0
- DVD-ROM drive
- QuickTime 7.4.5 software required for multimedia features
Windows 7 Ultimate 32 bit
You must use one serial ONLY on one computer! If you wish install Windows on some computers - you must buy new serials!
Choose the Windows 7 edition that is best for you
Windows 7 Home Premium | Windows 7 Professional | Windows 7 Ultimate | |
Make the things you do every day easier with improved desktop navigation. | * | * | * |
Start programs faster and more easily, and quickly find the documents you use most often. | * | * | * |
Make your web experience faster, easier and safer than ever with Internet Explorer 8. | * | * | * |
Watch, pause, rewind, and record TV on your PC. | * | * | * |
Easily create a home network and connect your PCs to a printer with HomeGroup. | * | * | * |
Run many Windows XP productivity programs in Windows XP Mode. | * | * | |
Connect to company networks easily and more securely with Domain Join. | * | * | |
In addition to full-system Backup and Restore found in all editions, you can back up to a home or business network. | * | * | |
Help protect data on your PC and portable storage devices against loss or theft with BitLocker. | * | ||
Work in the language of your choice and switch between any of 35 languages. | * |
Windows 7 Ultimate gives you everything Home Premium and Professional offers plus added security features and the flexibility to work in multiple languages. Create a home network and share all of your favorite photos, videos and music. You can even watch TV programs for free, whenever and wherever you want.
Reasons to buy
- Help prevent theft or loss of data: Use BitLocker and BitLocker To Go to better protect your valuable files even on removable drives such as USB devices.
- Automatically back up your files: Protect your data from user error, hardware failure, and other problems. You can back up your files to an external hard drive, secondary hard drive, writable CD or DVD, or to a network location.
- Find virtually anything on your PC from documents to photos to e-mail: Just click on the Start button, and enter a word or few letters in the name or file you want into the search box, and you'll get an organized list of results.
- Save time and money resolving IT issues: Take advantage of the powerful diagnostics and troubleshooters built into Action Center to resolve many computer problems on your own.
- Get remote services with DirectAccess: Access corporate resources seamlessly when you're on the Internet, without having to initiate a VPN connection.1
- Share files across the various PCs in your home: Use HomeGroup to connect your PCs running Windows 7 to a single printer. Specify exactly what you want to share from each PC with all the PCs in the HomeGroup.
- Connect multiple PCs, with or without a server: Use Domain Join to connect PCs quickly and more securely to your wired or wireless domain network.
- Work in the language of your choice: Switch between any of 35 languages as easily as logging off and back on again.
System requirements
- Processor
- 1GHz or faster 32-bit (x86) or 64-bit (x64) processor
- DirectX 9 graphics processor with WDDM 1.0 or later driver.
- 1GB RAM (32-bit) / 2GB RAM (64-bit)
- 16GB available disk space (32-bit) / 20 GB (64-bit)